cool beans

Posted by MrKate on

so i'm always looking for ways to green up my life. and today i just learned a new way! how to store your produce without using plastic! we almost always buy our produce from our local farmer's market and now i know how to store it without using plastic bags/containers! check out this article and this PDF for a detailed explanation on how to store every kind of fruit and vegetable for ultimate freshness. above i used clamp-top glass containers to store some carrots and ginger (i use these containers for bunch of things, even flower vases!). Bed Bath and Beyond has some good glass storage containers: 1) Stainless Steel Lids 2) Glass Storage Containers.

i think it's really important for everyone to have an awareness of our planet, its future and health. because a healthy planet = healthy people people! it doesn't mean that you have to go totally off the grid (check out this site to see how far people go to totally abolish their carbon footprint, wowzer), but just have a daily awareness and do little things to reduce your consumption and waste. i posted about this before but here are some eco-friendly practices i try to maintain:

1. keep a vegan diet and lifestyle - the factory farm industry is a huge contributor to climate change and pollution. you don't have to go totally animal-free but cutting down can do wonders for the environment and your health! read more here. 2. drive my Prius - yeah yeah, it's cliche but i live in LA and drive a lot and i use a lot less gas with my hybrid! 3. re-use plastic bags, paper towels, ziploc bags, paper bags (like use them for wrapping paper!) 4. turn off the faucet while brushing my teeth 5. use a BPA free reusable water bottle instead of regular bottled water. i got my Nalgene at Target for $9.99 6. recycle whenever possible 7. turn off lights when i leave a room 8. shop at the farmer's market and use reusable grocery bags whenever possible 9. never shower ... just kidding!... but i do try to take short showers.

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