It's Valentine's Day tomorrow and if you're getting sick of the usual heart shape, here is the perrrrfect DIY for you! Make your own anatomical heart patch or pin to give to your friends or wear yourself. Wear your heart on your sleeve!....or butt, or chest, or wherever. XO!

- Red felt
- Cut-out picture of an anatomical heart
- Scissors
- Fabric marker
- Iron-on mending fabric - if you want to make a patch
- Foam sheet - if you want to make a pin
- Flat-backed pins - if you want to make a pin
- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
- Fabric glue - if you want to make a patch

- print a picture of an anatomical heart and cut it out - we found ours on google images
- put the picture in a corner of your red felt and trace around it with the fabric marker
- cut out your tracing of the heart
- using the fabric marker, draw the inside area of the heart using your picture as a guide - all you need are some valves and veins!
- once your heart is ready you can trace the outline again over a foam sheet and cut it out to be the backing to strengthen your heart shape.
- glue the foam and your original heart pieces together using a hot glue gun
- glue a flat back pin on the foam side with a hot glue gun, now you're ready to wear your heart on your sleeve or pin it on a blazer, back pocket, bag, etc.
- another option is to make it an iron-on patch instead of a pin: trace the heart onto iron-on fabric, cut out the shape and glue the felt and fabric together with fabric glue. once dry, iron the patch onto your clothes!