We love using the Mr. Kate BeautyMarks on all kinds of things - not just your beautiful bodies and faces. These pots were decorated with #AHotGlueGunMess BeautyMarks, get yours by pre-ordering A Hot Glue Gun Mess here.
For more ideas on how to revamp potted plants, check out 'DIY Gold Dipped Potted Plants'

Prep It:
- A Hot Glue Gun Mess Beauty Marks
- scissors
- paper towels
- water
- old pots
- flat black spray enamel
- flat white spray enamel
- succulents
- potting soil
Do It!:
- Spray paint your pots the color(s) of your choice and let dry.
- Cut out the BeautyMarks you want to use and plan out your design.
- Peel off the plastic and apply the BeautyMarks to the pots using a wet paper towel to saturate the paper backing and release the design.
- Plant your plants using the potting soil into your new beautiful pots!

Don't forget to get something for your mamas! Shop here!