When fall fashion calls, you must answer ... with feathers! Give an updated flair to an old t-shirt, favorite sweater, or Halloween costume-to-be with these beautiful, birdlike DIY feather shoulder accessories you can craft up in an afternoon (a crafternoon!)
If shoulders aren't your thing, bling out your elbows with these DIY Jeweled Elbow Patches!

- Feathers in mixed colors. We used natural colors — some light, medium brown and mixed pattern feathers.
- Scissors
- An old piece of leather - we used a scrap from an old leather jacket
- Safety Pins
- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
- Pen or marker

- Draw an oval shape that will cover your shoulder and cut it out using scissors. Use the first oval as a template to cut out a second leather oval so you have a matching pair.
- Place 3 safety pins evenly spaced on the leather side of the pieces since the feathers will go on the suede side.
- Arrange your feathers on the suede side of the ovals, mixing the larger, lighter ones on the bottom and layering the smaller, darker or patterned ones on top. Glue all your feathers in place using a healthy dollop of glue per feather.
- Attach your new feather shoulder accessories to your shirt or sweater using the pins. Style with a simple outfit because the accessories will take center stage.