- 2 Black sheets of foam core
- 1 thin sheet of yellow foam paper
- Thick and medium thick wire - you will need super thick wire for the wiskers and thinner wire to attach the ears and eyes to your bush. Look in the floral section of the craft store.
- Wire cutters
- Scissors
- Cutting knife/blade
- Paper for stencils (optional)
- Glue
- Ruler
- Black and white markers
- Draw out the eyes of the cat in your desired size depending on the size of your bush. I decided to do one eye closed and one open, but feel free to change it up! Cut out your eyes using the craft knife. - Optional, create a stencil by drawing your shapes on a paper bag in case you want to layer the yellow foam paper over the black like I did to add a highlight.
- Cut out your eye shapes from the foam core and from the yellow foam paper. Don't forget a pupil for the cat eye!
- Glue the foam paper over the foam core and then the pupil on top. Let dry.
- Measure 2 equal triangles and draw it out on the black foam core and cut them with your craft knife - these will be the ears.
- Make small holes in all your foam core elements and attach pieces of the medium sized wire. On the ears, make the holes on the bottom of the triangle and on the eyes make the holes on each side. This is how you attach the ears and eyes to the bush so make sure the pieces are long enough to wrap around the branches of your plant.
- Cut long pieces of your thick wire, about 6 feet each and fold in half. The folded area is what you will use to shove into your bush and each end will stick out to be the whiskers. You can wrinkle and curl the wire for more frisky looking whiskers!
- Attach the ears to the top on the bush and place the eyes where it looks the best. Use the little pieces of wire to attach it to the bush by wrapping around a branch or twig inside the leaves of the bush.
- Push the big flexible pieces of wire into the bush to form your whiskers and style to your liking.