Joey and I made a DIY Tissue Paper Tassel Garland...together! See below for the full how-to for the garland and watch us wear the biggest sweater ever in the video here!

- hot glue gun
- scissors
- twine
- tissue paper (20" x 30")

- Fold your tissue paper in half lengthwise.
- Now, fold it in half widthwise.
- Fold it one more time length wise.
- Leaving about 2" at the crease, cut your fringe up the folded tissue paper. Continue until the whole sheet is cut.
- Unfold your tissue paper once and cut along the crease.
- Unfold again and cut along that next crease. You should now have four separate pieces with fringe on each end.
- Roll each piece in the center to form a tube.
- Twist the uncut section.
- Make a loop and use hot glue to secure it.
- Repeat all of the steps until your have the amount of tassels you need for your garland.
- You are now ready to string your tassels to your twine and decorate festively!