A very famous song once said that the sun will come out tomorrow, but if it's up to me (and some yellow paint), the sun will come up whenever you want it to!
Working in an office without any natural light, I wanted to bring some solar power and brightness into the space with a big, linear sun wall mural. Read more about this DIY below!

Prep It:
Do It!:
- Start by painting the outer circle of the sun. If you're working in a corner, or around a piece of furniture, this is a good way to set the size of the mural so it fits ideally into the blank space you have available.
- Paint increasingly smaller rings inside of your outer circle. When you get to the center, fill in the ring to make it a circular epicenter!
- Finish off your sun by painting lines around the outer circle as the rays.
- Let your mural dry, and enjoy some sunshine!