i want to eat healthy (macro/vegan is my preference) but i also want to eat easy! i'm always trying to figure out quick healthy snacks that are nutritious, delicious and f*ing easy!
so here's a great snack option that i've been having nearly every day: a cup of miso! i simply make it like you would a cup of tea! it's salty and really satisfying.
miso is so good for you… here are some of the awesome health benefits of miso:
- miso's minerals support immune function, energy production, bones and blood vessels
- reduces risks of cancer including breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer.
- protection from radiation
- immune strengthening
- antiviral -- miso is very alkalizing and strengthening to the immune system helping to combat a viral infection.
- prevents aging - high in antioxidants, miso protects from free radicals that cause signs of aging.
- helps maintain nutritional balance - full of nutrients, beneficial bacteria and enzymes, miso provides: protein, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, vitamin E, vitamin K, tryptophan, choline, dietary fiber, linoleic acid and lecithin.
- helps preserve beautiful skin - miso contains linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that helps your skin stay soft and free of pigments.
- helps reduce menopausal complaints - the isoflavones in miso have been shown to reduce hot flashes.
make a cup of miso
- buy the unpasteurized soybean paste at any health foods store. i like the brown rice or mellow chickpea miso but there are so many different kinds to choose from - it also keeps forever in your fridge.
- boil water and pull out a mug
- take a spoon-full of some miso - i like a nice heaping spoon-full so my miso broth is flavorful and salty! you can play with adding more etc. it's very forgiving.
- wait for the water to boil and then set it aside to cool down a little, you don't want to pour boiling water into the miso because it will kill the beneficial bacteria
- once the water is not piping hot, pour it into your mug over your heap of miso.
- mix to dissolve the miso and either sip it like broth or slurp it with a spoon!