there was some fanciness happening-ness on our trip in Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. the hotel we stayed in was pretty swanky. because of an odd number in our group, Joey and i got a three bedroom suite to ourselves! we used one room to unpack all of our clothes and lay them out all over the bed...kinda ridiculous. there was also a full kitchen, dining room, laundry room, amazing tub (yup those are my wet feet prints next to it in the above photo) and terrace on the 29th floor, overlooking the awesome/smoggy city.
the other photos are from outside the People's Committee Building (with a statue of Ho Chi Minh), our visit to the Rex hotel, which was a hangout for the Americans during the Vietnam war with it's rooftop bar, and the boy's (The Click Five) press conference for their MTV Exit show (which was the whole reason we went to Vietnam in the first place).