mr kate's extended family

my los angeles family and me.
meet Batman, my crazy and very adventurous feline friend and Bear and my softie little puff ball pomeranian. oh, and i'm Kailea! we are all very excited to be a part of the Mr. Kate family and are ready to start blogging our adventures together. i will be contributing to the Mr. Kate blog and helping to grow the Mr. Kate business with my passion and knowledge in fashion marketing and management....
a little bit more about me, Kailea: i was born in New Jersey and moved to Philadelphia for school then moved here to California. life out here on the west coast is sure different than all those snowy days back home! i am very excited to start researching and blogging about things i'm passionate about. things ranging all the way from controversial issues to fun fashion finds... so stay tuned!

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Raised Garden Bed DIY

Materials: - Bottomless galvanized utility tub - Spray paint (made for metal surfaces) - Vegetables and herbs (from seedlings or seeds) - Soil (preferably a...

DIY Project: Minimalist Side Table

When making over this bedroom we wanted to go for a tranquil vibe and to achieve this we had to keep the elements neutral and...

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Nomad X Sunglasses


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Daphne TV Console


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