New Year's Resolutions

Posted by MrKate on

2016, it's nice to finally meet you.

I have found, all too often, that resolutions tend to be overreactions to faults seemingly identified throughout the year (especially so in the last few weeks, when the sugar dosages get liberal and the waistbands get a little less forgiving.) But trying to correct "failure" by treating it as such, berating yourself for being human, and setting strict rules just leads to ... failure. I don't want to hold myself to anyone's standards but my own. I don't want to perceive or treat myself with anything but positivity.

So, this year, I'm saying "thanks, but no thanks" to the resolutions, and focusing on refreshing my life instead. I'm shaking off all the external pressures, negative influences, unhappiness, stress, exhaustion, or whatever unwanted ickiness that may still be clinging to my soul after 2015. I'm making myself fresh and new again. I'm opening myself up to my flaws, embracing total honesty and transparency, and ... god, I'm starting to sound like Gwyneth Paltrow, now, aren't I?

Basically guys — let's refresh together. Let's keep it real, keep it fun, and be a loving, happy group of creative weirdos together. I love you all for exactly who you are, and I can't wait to share more of who I am with you this year.

MrKate_REFRESH (11 of 42)

Doc Dec 18, 2015, 13-15 copyMrKate_REFRESH (1 of 42)

MrKate_REFRESH (7 of 42)

Doc Dec 15, 2015, 08:28(1) copymrkate_areyoudoingwhatyoutrulywanttodo_blog_final copyDownload the "Are You Doing What You Truly Want To Do" print here.

MrKate_REFRESH (29 of 42) MrKate_REFRESH (18 of 42)


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