with all the news on the Casey Anthony case, i feel like i have been seeing and hearing all this baby abuse news lately. check out these photos i took while on melrose this morning . . .

i wonder if it is for real or some street art commentary…?
baby abuse is prevalent worldwide and makes me sick to my stomach. not only just abuse but there are numerous cases of women killing their children, "According to the American Anthropological Association, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year." this is such a heinous crime and of course they always plead insanity which doesn't even seem like enough of a justification. Postpartum depression, a serious form of clinical depression, can often bring up feelings of wanting to hurt one's children."Women in jail reported that no-one believed them when they said they wanted to kill their children. "There's a collective denial even when mothers come right out and say, "I really shouldn't be trusted with my kids"." Casey Anthony was just acquitted of her daughter Caylee's murder, but the case remains unsolved. children and babies are the most vulnerable to abuse and the most defenseless victims. Nancy Scheper-Hughes, medical anthropologist says, "We should detach from the idea of universal motherhood as natural and see it as a social response." what do you all think of this recurring and very scary theme in our society?- kailea & kate