Everyone's "basics" are different. Some people like jeans and a white tee, others consider a black blazer their go-to uniform and some can't leave without their red lipstick - whatever is an instinctive part of your personal style could be considered your basics. My basics can vary depending on my mood but I always love flare leg pants, a loose fitting, extremely soft shirt and loads of jewelry. This Tencel shirt by Velvet Heart is so soft and I love that it looks like dark denim, without the stiffness. These lace bellbottoms were the 'it' thing a couple years ago but I kept them because I consider them one of my basics and are a great silhouette for a petite peep like myself. The crown, well, that I got in the kid's section of H&M because #whynot!? And the jewelry is mostly from my new Winter Rose collection which is so easy to layer for every day snazz.
….what are your non-basic basics?

- Mr. Kate jewelry featured: Thorn midi ring, Elizabeth open-rose cuff, Penelope mini rose necklace, Victoria 4-roses cuff, Charlotte rose ring, Colette mini rose ring, Rose-ary necklace , Cozy necklace, Floating feathers cuff bracelet, Weird cuff bracelet , Piece of Peace necklace
- pants: Kova & T
- shirt: Velvet Heart
- shoes: Ebay
- headband crown: H&M Children's dept.
- jewelry: Mr. Kate