A discussion on therapy.
I was having a chat this morning with some important people (my bf's parents), about therapy and about how I go twice a week to a psychologist, and have for the past year. Hmmm, am I f*#%ed up? Ha, I guess it depends on who you ask. I am very open about the fact that I go to therapy/visit a shrink/psychotherapy/whatever you want to call it, because I have found it an incredibly valuable process, where I can vent and cry and laugh and gain incredible perspective, but most importantly, learn more about myself. I don't go to church, and I don't identify myself with any religion, so I would say that therapy is the nearest to a spritual quest/practice/journey that I presently have in my life.
I went to therapy for the first time when I was 15, after my sister (then 8 years old), got hit by a car and I witnessed the whole thing. Thankfully she was and is okay (actually she's amazing) but I was diagnosed with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and went to therapy to work through all the feelings of fear, etc. that were still lingering. I kept going throughout high school because my parents got divorced when I turned 17 and thus, there was a whole new slew of feelings and issues to work through.
I started going again last year to sort things out in this weird time, that I guess, is just your 20's. I respect my therapist so immensly and I trust her and value her opinion on everything. It is a process that I will never be ashamed of and would recommend to anyone. So go forth and shrink your head!

after therapy I played tourist at The Grove/Farmer's Market. street bought white sunglasses, my "Happy Wrinkles" face pendant,
Screw You in rose gold, f21 blue tank, black wedges and scarf, American Vintage over-shirt, Mason white shorts, my hand-painted vintage purse.