a while back i blogged about this rad giant frame that joey found broken on the side of the road - i know, you're thinking he finds a lot of stuff on the side of the road, that's where he found me! jaaay kaaay! anyways, it's great and i was waiting to put it up on our living room feature wall after i finished the free-form stripe paint job which i blogged the inspiration here and posted other pics here.
our spring re-decoration project is still in progress, that coffee table (another street find) is going to get a serious paint job when i have the time… right now it matches the couch too much. also going to put some kind of area rug down but i might wait until it starts getting cool again to do that. i just wanted to show you all the progress and maybe get some inspiration to at least start your own design! let me know if you have any questions, i'm happy to lend my non-expertise ; ) !