I realize platform sneakers, wedge sneakers, etc. were all the rage last year. But you know what happens? You like a trend, you buy into it, meaning you buy multiple items that fit into that trend - case in point my extensive collection of elevated sneakers - and now you have them... for good! Since I'm not one to neurotically follow the trends, like, I don't throw away something that I've spent my hard earned dolla bills on, just because it's "so last season" - no, instead, I keep them close to my heart and on my body (because I still like them), by finding new and fun ways to style outfits incorporating them into my daily style choices. Henceforth, some styling ideas for your platform and wedge sneakers…let's keep this thing going!!!

A little black and white to class up these bizarro, converse-esque (they're ASOS) platform sneaks I have. Black and white is always an easy go-to when you're in a style rut. I played against type with this outfit and by pairing these sneakers with a button-down and snazzy glasses, I feel like I could go get some serious shit done in this outfit.
The Deets: sneakers: ASOS, shorts: Kimberly Ovitz, top and sunglasses: Urban Outfitters
Moving on to a tutu...

I love pairing girly things with sporty or rugged things and this outfit kind of does that with the tutu contrasting with my gold wedge sneakers and vintage tank/tee.
The Deets: sneakers: Steve Madden, tutu: thrifted, tank: Urban Outfitters, Jewelry: Mr. Kate
And finally, all black...

Who says wedge sneakers can't be dressy?…okay, so this isn't totally dressy but I feel like I would be taken seriously in a business meeting in this outfit. I mean, maybe I would put a tank top under my see-through shirt, but in lieu of modesty, I think this outfit shows that you can take the sporty-ness out of wedge sneakers. Half up half down hair and my Mr. Kate statement Vertebrae earrings elevate the look to "I mean business and then after you can take me out for a cocktail" status.
The Deets: sneakers: Forever 21, pants: Zara, top: American Apparel, jewelry: Mr. Kate