I am a big fan of shorts and skirts, especially as the weather starts to get warmer and tan legs are must for me when baring my gams. Funny story, I was turned on to Famous Dave's Moisture Tan while playing a porn star in a movie...it was a comedy, no nudity involved, but the make-up artist on set let me in on this fantastic secret. The bottle and font makes this product seem like soemthing you'd pick up by the inexpensive suntan lotion at a tourist shop but let me tell you, it is the BEST sunless tanner I have ever used! Even the fancy ones smell weird and have a weird consistency but Dave's goes on like lotion and will give you a very natural looking glow. It is my geniune go-to when I need some color from face to toes. I have turned many of my friends and family onto the stuff and they all become immediate fans. I use the dark shade with bronzer all over, even on my face! Try it and let me know how you like it!
Application tip: The lotion comes with application mitts but I find them to be a hassle. I just apply the lotion with my bare hands and then use an old toothbrush (that I've reserved solely for hand/nail cleaning) to scrub my palms and nails after I've rubbed in the lotion. This prevents the tan palm look that is a dead give-away that you've been fake tanning.
Some sunless tan moments...