Today Show video clip and photo diary

the Today Show was so fun yesterday! if you missed my DIY Holiday Gifts segment, here it is! and please check out the complete list of steps for each DIY seen in the segment. isn't Willie Geist tall!? he was so nice and i wish we got to actually glue gun more stuff but the segment was only 2 minutes long. a very fun whirlwind of live TV!

here are some behind the scenes pics...

waiting backstage in the greenroom.

umm, non other than Al Roker, the most legendary weather man in the climate earth.

prepping my long curvy table with the art department peeps before going live!

ready to go live! where's Willie?

...oh there he is, although apparently a little distracted by, you know, his JOB as a TV news anchor! we did have a very interesting quick convo about Martha Stewart before we went live - he's a very learned fellow.

done with the segment and back in the greenroom with my fellow segment-mate Erica Domesek of the uber fantastic blog and book P.S. - I Made This! she did style DIYs. i'm so glad i finally got to meet her because i've admired her for a while and she was so sweet!

and another pic with the DIY blogger trio including the chic Brit Morin from Brit + Co. she did holiday decor DIYs! ...i think i needed to wear taller shoes!

joey and i posing in front of the tree in Rockefeller Center - right outside the Today Show studio.

good times! get me out of this cold!

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