I know I say "OMG!" a lot ... I mean, it's kinda the Mr. Kate thing, but this may be the biggest O-M-G I have ever uttered. It's the 10K Room Transformation Giveaway!!!
We worked and slayed (and sometimes played) and together grew a #creativeweirdo community of over 1 million people!!! As part of our promise for reaching that subscriber count on YouTube, we went through thousands and thousands and what feels sometimes like bajillions of entries and picked our winner, someone we feel represents all of you!
Before I tell you to go watch the episode and check out the links below, a massive THANK YOU!!!! for supporting us and helping us be able to make someone's dream come true! I look forward to this community growing even more and being able to provide similar experiences for other lucky, lovely humans. Okay, now go watch the episode and check out the pictures and links below!
Everyone, meet Jaset Barradas!! Our winner is a 21-year-old, multi-talented girl boss who has been slaying away in Arizona to start her own business and grow her YouTube channel! And if you think she looks excited to see us at the door ...
Just look at how excited she was to see her madeover bedroom!Before we met Jaset, her bedroom was ironically devoid of a bed. She opted instead to get the largest table of all time and use the space like an office/ creative space for her ventures.
We wanted to get creative in covering up this partially-painted cloud Jaset put on her wall. Instead of just painting over it, we knew this could be an opportunity to bring in something bold and beautiful ...
Like this removable wallpaper mural!
Putting the mural up was definitely a two-person process, but look at the amazing backdrop Jaset now has for pictures and videos!
Shop this room!
I wanted to respect the business-centric purpose Jaset wanted for her room, so I opted out of a traditional bed and instead brought in this amazing, convertible day bed. It can look like a sofa with this chic. burnt orange velvet quilt ...
Or it can be made into a cozy bed! There is a second mattress below too, which pulls out, giving so many sleeping options for a girl who had been snoozing on her floor!
In addition to a new (normal sized) desk, we gave Jaset a new desktop and some camera gear including a ring light, c-stand, and top down camera mount for her YouTube endeavors!
What do you think? Boss lady lair, or what.
Yay!! Jaset absolutely loved her room! It was so rewarding to be able to make a dream come true for one of the #creativeweirdos who help our dreams come true everyday.