Our Baby's Name Is ...

Mr. Baby is almost here, and now, he officially has a name! We wanted this moment to be special for him, us, and our #creativeweirdo fam, so we wrote a poem and had it animated to create this beautiful, sweet, story of his name.

Read it below, and watch the video above for the full animation, our families' reactions, and more!

There lived two creative weirdos, born in different lands ...

A schmall by the ocean, a tall nowhere near the seas.

Once grown up, they met on a big movie set,
And fell into a love they would soon never forget.

Though the distance was great, the connection was fate,

And the tall moved to LA, and they started Mr. Kate.

They worked and they traveled and they had so much fun,
But they knew there was more for them under the sun.

After a great many years of being just two,
They decided to make it three and add a most-anticipated you.

"But what of a name?" they deeply pondered,
Wanting to touch divine and inspire wonder ...

It has to be special, unique, and fun,
And something with meaning to represent our son.

Under the lunar eclipse, Mama felt you wiggle ...

Dad touched her belly and they shared a giggle.

What's peaceful and powerful and governs the tides,
And sets a glow upon our faces, gleaming with pride?

That's it, it's perfect, we've chosen your name!
One that goes through phases but stays steadily the same ...

As you grow stronger and bigger, your birthday is soon ...

We are so excited to meet you, sweet baby boy Moon!!!

Yes, our son is named Moon! We are so in love with the symbolism of it, and hope our son feels all of the peace and flexibility and brightness associated with his lunar name.

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