I love a good framed print, and I love a good gallery wall, but there comes a time when all the rectangular shapes just don't scratch your design itch anymore.
When making over CloeCouture's living room, I decided to pay homage to her love of natural elements with pretty much the most natural element around — a branch from outside! Painted silver and strung in twinkle lights, this branch became a stunning, and standout, addition to her room!

Prep It:
Branch Silver paint Paintbrush Fairy lights Sawtooth picture hanger Nail Hammer
Do It!:
- If you have a smooth branch, you can skip ahead to step 2, but if your branch has some peeling bark or rough patches, just give it a quick smoothing sesh with some sand paper.
- Paint your branch with silver paint (you could also spray-paint!) and let dry fully.
- Unravel your LED lights and start to wind them around the branch you have, making sure to leave length at the bottom so they can be plugged into the nearest outlet!
- Attach the sawtooth hanger to a thicker/ wider section of the branch with the two small nails it comes with. Keep in mind how the branch will balance on a nail on the wall during this step!
- Decide where you want your branch sculpture to hang, then, considering where the sawtooth hanger is located on the branch, hammer a nail into the wall (or use a removable hook if you don't want to make a hole!) and hang your new, dazzling art!