Sometimes you meet a dresser, or a sideboard, or a side table, or a ... suitcase, and you know that despite its out-of-shape appearance, all it really needs is a little love. I believe wholeheartedly in the power of a good upcycle! So, when I encountered this structurally sound, but a little drippy and dusty dresser, I knew it just needed a new coat of paint and some ultra modern DIY knobs to make it #flawless.
What's great about these knobs is that, unlike store-bought options, you can adjust the DIY to fit any piece you might need! Yay! New knobs for all!
Dresser BEFORE...
Prep It:
Wood screws - long enough to go through the drawer and some of the wood but not all the way!
Do It!:
- Draw out the shapes of your knobs onto the piece of wood. Keep in mind the size of the drawers, and try to make each shape different! Unless you're pretty experienced with a jig saw, or are getting help from someone who is, use mostly obtuse angles and nothing too complex, for ease of cutting.
- Use the proper safety equipment and cut out your knobs! Sand them down before painting to smooth out any roughness or sharp edges.
- For each knob that you need, cut out a small square or rectangle piece. These don't need to be perfect, since they won't be seen, but it's important that they're smaller than the knobs.
- Paint your knobs the desired color and the smaller pieces the same color as the dresser/ nightstand/ piece of furniture that you are upgrading.
- Once all the pieces are dry, remove any previous knobs from the piece and start adding your new ones. Open the drawers and use a drill to screw a wood screw through the hole and into first the small piece, then the knob. It's helpful to hold those pieces into place as you want them and just screw all at once.
- Repeat step 5 until all of your new knobs are attached!