A few weeks ago Joey and I went to MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) in downtown Los Angeles to browse the current exhibition. There are some fantastic installations by Swiss artist Urs Fischer's exhibit whose style is playful yet disturbing. Fischer has a desire to, " linger on the pleasures of the surface while indulging the morbid desire to peel back said surface and see what lies underneath" (HuffPo). The exhibition is a culmination of Fischer's work over the last two decades ranging from clay sculptures, a whimsical house made of bread, large-scale raindrops, and lots of skeletons. He also carved out huge chunks of the walls separating the galleries which made for a nice open feel. There were some other notable moments in the permanent collection from other modern artists like Jackson Pollack, Mark Rothko and others.
Giant raindrops...
Or, giant blue scrotum…depending on your personal perspective…I'm sure there's a blue balls joke in there somewhere
Egg. Giant and sunny side up
Is that a banana on your face or are you just happy to see me? I also love how they painted the walls at the baseboards.
Chillin' skeleton
House made of bread…seems like Hansel and Gretel already had their fair share.
Now that's what I call a cluster of frames! …and a pool table with no pockets
This is not to be looked at.
Love this melted lamp post. I'm wearing a mumu that I got at the thrift store and cut into a mini dress.
Close up of bread house
Tall Figure II and Tall Figure III by Alberto Giacometti make me also think of embracing your saggy boobs… more on that here!
It was a very entertaining exhibit and the Urs Fischer installations are up until August 19th so get there if you're in the area!