Ask, and you shall be kissed! Many of you have been asking for some back to school and backpack DIYs so here ya go! I love a nice big kiss and I love this black lip print that you can easily make super custom - as in, having your very own DNA be part of this DIY, by using your own kiss marks! Not in school? Have no fear, you can interpret this DIY on any iron-able fabric, think: lip jeans, lip curtains, lip t-shirt, and beyond!
Prep It:- backpack - that can be ironed
- iron
- dark colored lipstick
- paper
- scanner/printer and computer with a photo editing program - I used iPhoto
- iron on transfer paper - look at Michael's or Staples, etc.

- put on your dark lipstick nice and thick and kiss a piece of paper. I chose to re-apply and do 3 or so different types of kisses…you know, tight purse, loose lips, slight open mouth, but I skipped the french kiss!
- scan in your lip printed paper or photograph is with your smart phone and email it to yourself
- edit the photo in a simple photo editor, I used iPhoto but you could use one on your smart phone, etc. and make the lip print black and white then mess with the levels, brightness and/or contrast to make the white of the paper white and the lips dark black and sharp
- use your home ink jet printer to print the edited lips on the iron transfer paper
- cut out the individual lip and iron them on the backpack with the lips facing the backpack and the white part of the paper touching the iron - follow the detailed instructions on the package but it's easy!

Outfit Deets:- top: Forever 21
- shorts: Forever 21
- shoes: Zara
- jewelry: Mr. Kate Mummy snake bangle , Flat vertebrae bangles, Seahorse bangle, Kalia ring, and Vertebrae ring!