DIY BeautyMarks gem necklace

Posted by MrKate on


I love an ironic commentary on things... partially one of the reasons I call myself and brand Mr. Kate - and this gem BeautyMarks neckpiece is an ironic commentary on a diamond necklace. I created this gathering of faux tattoos using the A Hot Glue Gun Mess BeautyMarks you get FREE when you pre-order the book A Hot Glue Gun Mess: Funny Stories, Pretty DIY Projects before June 16th! #AHotGlueGunMess

Similar blue dress, here.

Check out 'Kate's Take: Prom Styling' for more #AHotGlueGunMess gem necklace styling.

For another A Hot Glue Gun Mess BeautyMarks DIY, check out: 'DIY BeautyMarks Planters'.


Prep It:




Do It!:

  1. Cut out your gems.
  2. Start with your center BeautyMarks gem and put it on your skin using the wet paper towel on the paper backing for a few seconds - don't forget to take off the plastic covering over the tattoo before you place it face down on your skin.
  3. Build your necklace off the center one, until you get the look you want - I used mixed gold and silver gems in a random array and used the smallest gems to fill in any gaps.
  4. Style your gem necklace for a fun day or night out!





This photo was from Kate's Take: Prom Styling, for more photo's click here.

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