You might have realized this, but I'm kind of having a moment with pink. The beauty of this color is that regardless of its scale, a touch of blush, mauve, coral, bubblegum, or magenta is never a bad idea.
Since the bright, warm pink of this bouquet is so stunning, we went with a monochrome arrangement, letting the textures of the flowers and a wicked cool double vase ensemble do the walking and the talking. These flowers are all late spring and early summer staples, so if you've got a florist or farmer's market (or the best garden of all time) near your home, you can pinkify your life in a snap.

Prep It:
Tulips Carnations Bougainvillea (all in a lovely shade of pink, of course!) One smaller glass vase (that fits inside lantern) Geometric gold/glass lantern

Do It!:
- Place your smaller glass vase into the larger lantern. This gives you bouquet an extra level of interest, and the clear glass of the guarantees that nothing competes visually with the splendor of the bright pink flowers.
- Fill your smaller vase with water and start placing flowers in an arrangement you like. I suggest starting with the carnations and tulips to build the center, and using the bougainvillea as an accent to give drama and depth.
- Put the finished arrangement somewhere in need of a pop of colorful pink, and enjoy!