it's no secret that i like cats (i like all animals!). Roxanne and Winston (my two furry babies) often make cameos in our Mr. Kate videos. so it was a natural inclination to decorate my bathroom with some kitty art!
bathrooms are often overlooked in home decorating. i prefer simplicity in a bathroom because moisture from showers is non-to-kind to curtains, etc. that's why some simple framed posters - in my case, some kitty prints, in store-bought frames - create just enough design embellishment in the peepee-poopoo-shower-bathroom. posters don't have to look cheesy if you frame them in a substantial frame and cut off any text associated with the print - like i did with "Bert's Bath"...
this is a print titled "Bert's Bath" which i just love. i bought it online here (AllPosters.com) and cut out the image and used a piece of white paper as the matte in a frame i bought at Cost Plus World Market.
i also recommend getting black and white prints over color prints when you're framing posters - they look to be higher quality.
this cutey, hamock-sleeping kitten print i also got from AllPosters.com here for just $5.99! i put it in an inexpensive frame from the flea market and it now amuses the men while they face the wall to pee!