Breanna asks: Hey Mr. Kate. As you know, Father's Day is coming up and I don't know what to make my dad this year! Can you help??
Answer: Hi Breanna! I know, first comes Mother's Day and then Father's Day just sneeeaks up on you! But we can't forget our dear old dads and I think they always appreciate a DIY card - at least mine does. So, if a drill or wallet is out of your budget, I suggest you get crafty and make a fun card! Here is a card that I DIY'd inspired by those kid's books that have a cut out with fur behind it and then you turn the page and see that the fur is part of the second picture as well... you know what I'm talking about? Anywaaaays, my dad likes the Beatles so I created this card with a mustache shape cut-out in front to show the fur fabric (very simple and dare I say, chic) then when you open the card, ta da, you realize it's John Lennon's hair and he has a message for your Dad:"I get by with a little help from my Dad" (based off of the Beatles' lyrics for A Little Help From My Friends) or a close second Beatles' lyrics choice was: "Can't buy me love… so I DIY'd you this card!"
Okay, so John Lennon's hair looks a little like a Russian hat but you get the idea. You could cut the fur into whatever shape you want…a bear, Justin Beiber's, or whatever you think your dad will love! Note: I hand-drew John Lennon's face but if you aren't big on drawing, just print out a picture of whatever it is you want near your fur so there's no drawing skills required.

Front of card featuring a simple, furry mustache.

Inside of card featuring a young John Lennon with his signature mop orrr very warm winter hat.

Prep It:
- hot glue gun
- pencil
- pen or marker
- 1 piece of cardstock
- piece of faux fur (we found ours at the craft store) you can get some at the fabric store too
- scissors

- fold the card stock paper in half
- draw a mustache shape on the outside of the card using your pencil (you could also trace one that you print out from the internet)
- poke a hole inside the drawing and then cut out the mustache using the hole as your starting point to cut
- cut the fur to the shape that you want for the inside of the card - whatever you want: a bear, a Beatle or you! **Make sure that the shape is big enough to fill the shape of the mustache cut-out in the front of the card
- glue your piece of fur in place with the hot glue gun again, make sure the mustache shape lines up with the fur placement.
- draw your face or whatever else you want to add to the inside of the card to correspond with the fur shape. **if you don't want to draw, print out a face, design etc. from the internet and glue it next to the fur
- write your personal message to your dad and have a Happy Father's Day!