My birthday was last week. I know, I know, I didn't post about it - because, as much as I seem like an ego maniac with the amount of photos I post of myself on this thing called a blog, I actually feel kind of awkward about my birthday and making a big deal about myself. Thus, it was a low-key day with a low key dinner and kiiinda a low key outfit. The dress and the shoes were like woah cuz a flared dress with a weird cut-out collar and giant platform shoes (bday gift from Joey) hardly screams low-key. I'd say the lowest key (hmm, not a phrase) thing about my get-up was my lazy pin curls. I attempted to do them with my wand curler and I'm calling them lazy because you can very visibly see the pins - I'm thinking it's sort of like industrial design, but in your hair - you know, when you can see the pipes in a room but it's chic? Well, that's my reasoning for these visible-pin pin curls. Also, I'm giving my hair a break from the highlights…hence the dark roots, call it ombre or call it a spa treatment for my hair cuticles.

PS, if you are interested in seeing a tutorial for this hair-do, comment below and let me know!
Outfit Deets:
- dress: Mustard Seed
- shoes: Jeffrey Campbell
- purse: random Melrose ave. purchase