I've been needing to clean my make-up brushes for far too long. Having clean make up brushes readily available is a MUST because dirty brushes can clog pores and spread bacteria. My go-to soaps and cleaning products are always all natural because I'm not a fan of chemicals in my home or on my body so I made up this super easy (and good smelling), all natural make-up brush cleaner!
The trick with make-up brush cleaners is using something that's not too harsh and going to damage the bristles. You also want to use an antiseptic of sorts and something moisturizing to keep the bristles soft...I used lavender oil which is a natural antiseptic and worked to put a little oil back in the bristles after they're clean.

- pure glycerin soap - cleans the brushes thoroughly but not harshly
- lavender essential oil - antiseptic and moisturizer
- water
- cup or jar
- dirty brushes
- Fill your cup with a little water and add about 20 drops of the lavender essential oils.
- Wet your dirty makeup brush and bar of soap under the faucet and create a good, cleansing lather with the bristles on the soap. You may need to repeat this step a couple times as you'll see the makeup coming off in the lather. Rinse the soap and the brush and repeat until the lather is clear.
- Swirl the newly cleaned brushes in the lavender oil/water solution and gently brush the excess water off on a clean towel
- Let dry and enjoy your clean, lavender scented brushes!