Happy May! It's sooo hot in LA this week so of course, I had to wear a panda hat...wait, what? My mom gave me these Creative Recreation shoes because they are too high for her - they're so bizarrely cool because the inner ballet slipper is removable so you put that on first before the outer sandal. I also love this shirt because it's from a thrift store and has shoulder pads...shoulder pads are the bestest. Hope you all area great this TGIF!

Outfit Deets:
- shirt: vintage
- jeans: Blank Denim
- shoes: Creative Recreation
- sunglasses: Forever 21
- purse: Forever 21
- hat: Forever 21 (similar one here)
- jewelry: Victoria 4-Roses Cuff, Worm Cuff, Conjure Feather Ring, Apparition Feather Ring, Thorn Midi Ring, & Solstice Necklace