The next installment of our DIY Backpack series is a whimsical one, something Dr. Seuss would be fond of and makes me giggle with glee…pom poms! I like to wear pom poms in my hair, on sweaters, and hats so #whynot on your backpack too!? Interpret this DIY on your jean jacket or other purse or bag if you're not in need of a backpack.

- pom poms in various sizes from the craft store
- backpack
- scissors
- glue gun
- ribbon

- plan your lay out
- use a dot of glue to attach each pom pom - I chose to cover the label of the backpack and line the front pocket
- cut off the existing fabric tabs on the zippers
- cut your choice of ribbon diagonally, at your desired length, and put it through the zipper loop and glue the two sides of the ribbon together with more hot glue
- add pom poms to the end and/or length of the ribbon

- jewelry: Mr. Kate Creon Ring (on sale!) , Mummy snake bangle , Flat vertebrae bangle, Buried treasure ring, and Vertebrae ring!