I've finally found a plant I won't kill! A DIY wire cactus is perfect for a plant vibe that needs no TLC because apparently, I don't have a green thumb. A gathering of these would be so chic on a window sill or anywhere you'd typically place cactus. Also you can get creative with the shape because, just like snowflakes, and humans, no wire cactus is exactly alike!
WARNING: some of the following how-to images are rated PG13 for their weiner-like appearance.

- ceramic planter
- sand
- long balloon animal balloons
- pump to pump up your balloons (don't try to do these by mouth!)
- wire
- Pump up a balloon and tie a not to seal it
- Wrap your wire around the ballon to get your desired cactus spear - Tip: it looks cool if the wire criss crosses over each other and it also helps stabalize.
- Pop your balloon within the wire cactus spear
- Repeat step 1 though 3 to create two more wire cacti of varying height.
- Insert them into your ceramic pot.
- Fill with sand.
- Place your new cactus wherever you want, no sunlight or water needed! ;)