i've been a bad bad blogger the past few days! so sorry to anyone who checked in and didn't get an update. i just got back from Vietnam last night and it was quite a trip. we left Phu Quoc and went to Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City. i have a bunch of photos to post but i want to do them separately.
above are photos from our last days on Phu Quoc, mostly from a bike trip that took us on the unpaved roads (most of them are unpaved and there are no traffic laws!), into the jungle and over really rickety, scary yet awesome-looking bridges. there were also skinny cows, (which we all decided are probably what cows are supposed to look like and we're just used to seeing overly pumped up beef cows in Amrrrica), a frog that stopped leaping long enough for her close-up, and our mosquito-net over our bed in Phu Quoc... i didn't get bitten once, the natural bug spray worked!
most photos by JZ