last night we went to the Figueroa Hotel in downtown LA for Dan Levy's b-day. it is such a cool old hotel with a blend of moroccan/aztec decor and accents, fabrics etc. i'll post the pics from the hotel interior in a separate post.
this post is dedicated to paper bags - paper bag pants that is! i finally got these hemmed so i could wear them - they were like a foot longer to begin with, oh the plights of a petiterr. i'm also sportin' my feather hair extensions which i DIY'd - i have a video tutorial in the works to demo how to feather yourself! stay tuned.
- billy blues pants, random melrose ave top, american apparel bra, tiny tribal backpack from mexico, all Mr. Kate jewelry (except the vintage rhinestone necklace) Decay Matinee Necklace, Decay Fortune Cuffs and Ring, Decay Cascade ring -