Blackberries are in their peak season so there's no better time to muddle some up in a Fourth of July Sparkler Cocktail! This refreshing mix of citrus and blackberry flavors is delish and low cal, thanks to the Skinnygirl® Tangerine Vodka so have one... #whynot!? It's summer!
We also made some adorable DIY drink flags on skewers for the perfect, festive garnish! DIY and recipe below. XO!
Prep It (1 drink):
- 2 parts Skinnygirl® Tangerine Vodka
- teaspoon agave nectar
- around 2 cups chilled club soda
- handful of blackberries
- muddler
- drinking glass
- cocktail shaker with ice
- skewer
- 3 blackberries
- dusty blue paper
- white ink pen or marker
- scissors
- double sided tape
Do It! (drink):
- Place a handful of blackberries in the bottom of the drinking glass. Muddle.
- Pour two parts of Skinnygirl® Tangerine Vodka into the cocktail shaker.
- Add a teaspoon of agave nectar to the cocktail shaker. Shake.
- Pour the vodka and agave over the blackberries.
- Fill the rest of the glass with club soda. Enjoy!
- Fold the blue paper in half.
- Cut out an isosceles triangle with the short end at the fold.
- Use the white paint pen to draw stars all over the flag.
- Tape the flag closed, sandwiching the skewer at the edge of the flag.
- Skewer three blackberries and add your beautiful new flag to your cocktail!

Thanks Skinnygirl® for sponsoring this post!