we're in Mexico staying at and eco resort called Playa Viva. it's super remote - we're the only structure on a giant length of untouched beach! it's so relaxing, the food is amazing and there are only 10 guests at the resort, including us. we're sleeping in an 'eco casita' which is open air (the walls don't go up all the way and the windows are wide open all the time) and our bed is surrounded by a mosquito net… so cool!
i'll post more photos soon but the internet is sooooo slow, since it's satellite. the one photo above shows the salt water pool and the beach and my $10 turquoise sun hat from F21… okay, gotta go do Yoga and then read 50 Shades of Grey on the beach!… have you guys read them? i'm on the first book now and it's quite errr, erotic!.. great beach reading ; )