Marble? Marvelous darling. The price of a marble side table? ... Not as much.
I wish I could pull a Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion and claim that I was the brilliant mind behind marble-printed contact paper, but no such thing is true. I am, however, the diligent DIY-er who is going to show you how to get that marbleized look on any shape surface you want!
Normally contact paper works best in rectangular situation, and even then the threat of air bubbles risks your radiant new finish. But! We devised a way to get perfectly round edges on your contact papered-table, and eliminate air bubbles once and for all. Find out how to make like Michelangelo and get your perfect model out of (faux) marble below!

Prep It:
Side table with a flat top Marble contact paper Scissors Metal 6" ruler Cloth Razor

Do It!:
- If your table is dirty, clean it off! Any little specs or dirt might make for a less smooth marble finish, so it's important to work with as pristine a surface as possible!
- Roll the marble contact paper out over the table so you can get an idea of how much you need. Leaving a few inches all around (better too big than too small and needing to be rolled out again!) cut the piece you're going to use.
- Peel off the backing from a few inches of the contact paper and, starting at one edge of your table, apply it to the top. Working slowly but steadily, pull the backing of the contact paper up and out as you work across the table. Gently guide the contact paper down with your hand and arm as you go, pressing out any air bubbles that might dare to invade on your territory.
- Once you've applied the piece of contact paper fully, use the scissors to trim any excess off. Don't work all the way up to the edges, as scissors won't be able to give you that smooth curve, but get pretty close. Now use a razor to shave around the edges and get the contact paper exactly to the shape of the table.
- Cover a metal ruler in a piece of soft cloth and run it over the marble paper a few times with light pressure, getting rid of any last air pockets and getting a smooth, fully adhered table top. It's important to use the cloth in this step so you don't scratch the surface of your new marble table before you even get to use it!
- Once you're done, set the table with some cute accessories, and marvel at your newly DIY-ed home decor!