I meaaaaan, we can't NOT show you the bloopers! We have had a blast shooting the last 15 episodes of OMG We Bought A House! They are long days with lots of stuff to do which inevitably leads to brain farts, blabbing, silliness annnd, Joey forgetting how to speak English. I hope these give you a good LOL. xo!
Here are some outtake photos to add to the behind the scenes blooper peek...

Cameras on beds are not part of the design!

Brad Etter is the most smoldering videographer/editor/director/model around!

Mid hip hop outfit-off

Joey wishing this coffee was lemon water

Sound guy Jonathan fixing Joey's mic pack while we're mid mirror hold

Shhhhhhhhh Joey!

Adrian clacks a mean slate!

Joey being blown away by my dance moves

Peeking through the slate!

So many slates! Take one million...

Brad getting the perfect bird's eye shot of our anniversary feast

Please comment and let us know what you think! Watch all the OMG episodes here!