When you own a house these kind of clean-out and organize days just come with the territory. They're not the most fun but Joey and I still managed to entertain ourselves with spider babies, wigs and in general dividing up our things for the 'Yaaass' and 'K Bye' piles. Oh, and we did all this while we were on a cleanse!
If you missed the last episodes of OMG We Bought A House, check them out: 'OMG We Bought A House! The Master's Bedroom!', 'OMG We Bought A House! What's in the Attic', & 'OMG We Bought A House! We're Back and We Have Issues'
To watch Joey and I on The Clean Program cleanse, watch 'Kate's Take: 21 Day Cleanse!'
Two piles... the 'YAAAS' pile!
And... the 'K BYE' pile.
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes... awkwardly laying on your garage floor together. xox
What did you think? Comment below! We love to read them! xoxo