Crikey! What we have here is the blond-haired Kate in her natural habitat, the exotic lands of ... Southern California.
Even though these desert cliffs are only a few hours out of Los Angeles at Terranea Resort, where Joey and I went for our joint birthday celebration weekend, their stunning natural beauty inspired me to get outside and get in touch with my spirit animal — which I decided was a cheetah for the evening. This cat lady can't be tamed!
There's a reason cheetahs lord over the rest of the safari cats when it comes to sartorial reputation — wearing that print for an evening was an emboldening experience. Could you imagine running in those spots 24/7? What it taught me is that sometimes the print, like the scenery, is perfect in its natural beauty. When you're rocking a pattern that sings/ roars on its own, there's no need to compete! Go easy on the accessories and beauty and let your statement piece do its work and rule the style safari.

Outfit Deets:
Dress: Nasty Gal Shoes: Nasty Gal (similar here) Sunglasses: Target Mr. Kate Accessories: Coral Hoop Earrings