rose gold jewelry is one of our most popular metal tones in the Mr. Kate jewelry shop. people seem to really respond to the pinky hue but sometimes they don't know how to style it. i really like going tone on tone when wearing all rose gold by pairing it with shades of rose and pink clothes! you can also do opposite colors and pair rose gold with green. i also like it paired with all black or in a kind of tropical look with bright blues.
the Sea Nymph necklace in white/rose and Basics Bangles and Cuffs have been a go-to for me the last few days...white goes with everything and so does rose gold!
this Pork Pie hat was the one that Joey wore as part of his Heisenberg Halloween costume seen here. i've now absconded with it to wear in a non meth dealer fashion.
DO IT!:- top: Topshop
- shorts: Zara
- tights: Forever 21
- shoes: Messeca
- hat: Vintage 'pork pie' hat
- bag: Alexander Wang
- jewelry: all Mr. Kate! shop it here