Snow Bunny Chic

Posted by MrKate on


Our recent trip to Park City, Utah to attend the Sundance Film Festival was a snowy good time. Not being prone to enjoy temperatures below 60 degrees fahrenheit (I was raised in Southern California), I came fully prepared with layers en masse. We were there courtesy of Kia Motors who outfitted us with a swanky SUV for transport to and from dinners, screenings and wilderness adventures. The wild times kicked off right after we landed when we passed a herd of elk enjoying some snow snuggles. Joey and I got out of the car because I was determined to give an elk a hug and he was prepared to document the love fest. But alas, they saw my faux fur and white rancher hat and took off in the other direction. Can't win 'em all!

Below are some photos from our trip...


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- We got to ride around in a Kia Sorento which had a gorgeous burgundy interior that matched my lipstick! Love that ; ) -width="800"


- Jacket and Pants: Zara, Sweater: Target, Boots: Frye, Socks and Hat: Free People, Sunglasses: GMAT, Jewelry: Mr. Kate -


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Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

- Snow Essentials: Layers i.e. jeans, sweater over a t-shirt, scarf, warm hat, shoes with thick soles aka platform sneaks, fun sunglasses (cat not included) -

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Post kindly sponsored by Kia Motors USA

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