Over the last week and a half, I traveled to Ohio, Indiana and New York for business, pleasure and then more business. In Ohio, we shot more DIY videos with Duck Tape (see my other travel diary posts), in Indiana we went to one of Joey's bff's wedding and in NYC we met with potential publishers for the Mr. Kate book!!! As with most trips, packing is the fun/challenge and since there were so many different things to do while we were away, I got creative with mixing and matching. Here are some of my style pics (and a few landscapes) that were snapped via iphone while adventuring across the country...
My go-to hair-do on this trip was the Swiss Braid Crown aka the Heidi Doody done with fishtail braids. It's so easy on bad hair days to throw your hair up like this and since there was a lot of humidity everywhere I went, it helped me look less frizzy. I also wore these plaid leggings from Zara a lot too! This outfit I wore daytime in Indiana.
I wore this Petal to the Metal necklace a ton and this Style Saint top, which has a matching skirt (see below), was my wedding outfit. Again, with the Heidi Doody and my favorite berry lip gloss by Stila in 'Cranberry'.
Plaid pants, floral shoes - Platforms from ASOS
We drove from Ohio to Indiana and the leaves were just starting to change! I made Joey pull down some random person's driveway so I could snap this pic of the beautiful orange leaves.
The top and bottom combo from Style Saint I wore for the wedding with my trusty Charlotte Russe sandals (also seen here) and some Flash Tattoos which were such a hit that I ended up putting one on the bride later that night - stay tuned for this Sunday's DIY video where I use tons of these metallic faux tattoos.
Pink lipstick by Bite Cosmetics (more info here) during one of the video shoots for Duck Tape.
Downtown Indianapolis after a good rain - I love the panoramic photo option on the iphone!
#SOTD socks of the day in Ohio
H&M lace tights and Jeffrey Campbell shoes in the NYC subway
Half up/half down hair and filled-in eyebrows for Duck Tape videos
Cows on the road trip from Ohio to Indiana…the little one farted in my face as I snapped this pic #rude
The bride, Claire's, pretty dress and giant sparklers after the wedding
NYC at sunset from my Granny's apartment - another panoramic
I wore this to meetings with publishers in NYC - again the Heidi hair and this time I paired the plaid tights with the lace Style Saint top that I wore to the wedding but added a blazer to make it more biz-nass.
On the plane - messy hair and minimal make-up and a biz partner/BF who's too busy to pose for a #selfie