Confession: #ihavethisthingwiththrowpillows
It's true! I even Instagrammed about it last week! I think that these plushy, plump accents are just the perfect way to add some customizable cozy to any space. But instead of relying on the stores to have juuuust the right pillow each time, I figured it was time I DIY-ed up an easy, fits-all solution so you can also have the perfect pillow every time! Even better, this tutorial works for both sewers and "no sewers," so regardless of your needle and thread skills, you can have just the same result. It's a proper pillow party in here!
Check out the tutorial above and some diagrams and detailed steps below!
No-Sew Pillow

Prep It:
Decorative fabric (we chose a green velvet — perfect for fall and winter!) Linen Hem tape Iron Sheer press cloth Ironing board Scissors Insert pillow
Do It!:
- Measure the length and width of the pillow insert, then cut your decorative fabric about 1-2 inches larger around the edges.
- Cut your linen into a long piece the same width as the velvet piece. This will be cut into two pieces, one a little longer than the other. Please reference the diagram for the correct measurements.
- Fold the bottom edge of one linen piece in an inch, placing hem tape in between the layers. Place a damp cloth over this makeshift hem and iron to adhere. Repeat this step again, folding the edge, placing the hem tape, and ironing with a damp cloth to create a clean hem. Repeat this step on the other piece of linen.
- Layer the two linen pieces, overlapping at the folded hems. Once overlapped, they should be the same size as the decorative piece of fabric. Place the decorative fabric over the two linen pieces, with the outside facing in. Once you're done constructing the pillowcase, you'll be turning it inside out! Use pins to secure the two sides together. Tip: you can also pin the center of the fabric too, to keep it from slipping!
- Working one side at a time, place hem tape between the linen and decorative fabric and iron with a damp cloth to adhere. Place the hem tape about 1 inch in from the edges of the fabric. Do this process on all four sides, making sure to also place a small piece of hem tape between the two linen pieces where they overlap.
- Turn your newly constructed pillowcase inside out and fill it with the insert to make sure it fits! Take the insert out, turn the pillowcase back outside-in again, and trim excess fabric around the edges of the hems.
- Turn it inside out again, refill with the insert, and now it's time to make some tie closures! Measure in from the edges of the pillowcase and sew a piece of ribbon into loops onto either side of the linen flaps. You can do this with either a sewing machine or by hand!
- Measure down to where the loops end and sew on two buttons to secure them around. And voila! You have a new pillow!
Sew-Sew Pillow

Prep It:
Decorative fabric Linen Sewing machine Tan thread Velvet ribbon Iron Ironing board Ruler Pins Scissors Insert Pillow
Do It!:
- Measure the length and width of the pillow insert, then cut your decorative fabric about 1-2 inches larger around the edges.
- Cut your linen into a long piece the same width as the velvet piece. This will be cut into two pieces, one a little longer than the other. Please reference the diagram for the correct measurements.
- Fold the bottom edge of one linen piece in an inch, then fold over again. Pin the fold to keep it in place and iron along the edge for a clean hem. Repeat this step on the other piece of linen.
- Layer the two linen pieces, overlapping at the folded hems. Once overlapped, they should be the same size as the decorative piece of fabric. Place the decorative fabric over the two linen pieces, with the outside facing in. Use pins to secure the two sides together. Tip: you can also pin the center of the fabric too, to keep it from slipping!
- Use a sewing machine to sew the two sides together, sew along the edges, using a back stitch technique to make sure your sewing is secure. If you'd like, you can use an overlock stitch to create edges that won't fray! This will prolong the life of your pillow.
- After you're done sewing, snip the corners of the pillowcase to prevent bunching when you turn it inside out and fill it with the insert.
- Speaking of, time to turn your pillowcase inside out and fill it with the insert!
- Measure in from either side of the pillowcase and cut 4 equal lengths of velvet ribbon. I'd recommend making them at least 4 inches long each, so there is enough length to tie!
- Using either the sewing machine or working by hand, sew the four pieces of ribbon onto the linen flaps, lining them up into pairs to be tied off.
- Tie your velvet ribbon closures, and enjoy your new pillow!