My reality at Mr. Kate currently is so close to what I dreamed of as a little girl. I mean, many girls probably dream of making a career out of their creativity, working with like minds who happen to be hilarious and inspiring, and making countless friends across the world through an online platform (although the internet didn't exist when I was little). I did too, and the icing on the cake is that's now happening in a pink building!
Since we moved into this new office space, it was clear that the super bright orange exterior had to go. We just couldn't be represented to the world in a building the color of a spray-tanned basketball aka Donald Trump. A soft, thoughtful shade of baby pink was always the answer to me, but as you'll see in the episode above, some key team members had to take a little more of an emotional journey to come to this conclusion.
For those wondering, the shade we chose was Behr Peppermint Stick! And the many selfie-takers outside our office can attest that it is flattering to all skin tones and street passersby!
Watch the episode above and peruse some behind-the-scenes pictures below!

From my Instagram, @mrkatedotcom