I love the look of brick - aged brick, painted brick, whatever! Sadly, I don't have any real brick in my life so the next best thing?...faux brick! We found these faux brick panels at Lowe's - unpainted I think they scream FAKE brick but with a nice coat of white or a fun color, these panels can add a lovely texture to any wall!
These faux brick panels are nice and lightweight so you could definitely use some in a rental apartment or anywhere you want to add a design element. See more ideas on how to style and design around brick in Decorating with: Bricks.
Prep It:
- faux brick panel (s)
- primer (adding primer will make sure your color of choice is bright)
- color paint of your choice
- paint brush
- drop cloth
- (not pictured/optional) Command Strips: picture hanging strips to keep your faux brick in place. They're like velcro and won't damage your walls!
Do It!:
- Lay your panel down on a drop cloth or outside, paint with primer and let dry. Tip: if you need to trim your panel, see if your local hardware store will trim it for you before you bring it home.
- Paint the panel with your paint color and let dry - do two coats if needed.
- Prop the panel(s) against your wall, use nails or Command Strips to secure at the top and bottom and decorate your room around your new, radical wall!