Some ladies/ fellas enjoy a nice bouquet of flowers to make their home feel fresh and alive and beautiful. The southern California equivalent of that is a terrarium — a sandy, succulenty delight that will bring those bohemian dreamy desert vibes with a flora finish.
We created this DIY with fake succulents, but if you want to use real plants, just add a pocket of dirt in the sand for the roots to take hold in! Check out the rest of the DIY steps below!
Prep It:
Glass bowl Sand (in one or two, or many colors!) Faux succulents Wood slices Stones
Do It!:
- Pour your sand into the glass bowl. If you have multiple colors of sand, get creative mixing and layering them!
- Place your succulents into the sand and position them in your terrarium to make an arrangement that you like.
- Fill in the space around the succulents with stones and wood slices, or even crystals to give your terrarium a personal touch!