If you watched the OMG We Bought A House: Christmahanukkahkwanzaasolstice Special, you might have realized that when it comes to holiday decor, I like to think outside the box. It's all about finding the hidden potential in things to become whimsical, magical DIY projects. Just like this beautiful piece of dried grapevine covered in lights and ornaments to become something unique and festive. It said, "Kate! Bedazzle me! Hang me on a wall! Make my holiday dreams come true!"
What's great about this project is that it's customizable. You don't need grapevine to create a sparkly holiday fixture — grab a branch from your back yard! Or use a piece an object or piece of furniture you already have! A piece like this would make an amazing centerpiece for a holiday meal too! Do something unexpected and surprise yourself! And, of course, share your ideas by posting them with #mrkate, so we can all be inspired by what you create.

Prep It:
Driftwood/ lovely found object of your choosing 1 strand Twinkle Lights (or more, depending on the size of your project) Ornaments: Horseshoe Hedgehog Christmas Cracker Bird Pineapple Rose Gold Ball Wishbone
Do It!:
- Unravel your string lights and twist around your branch or object. I suggest starting at the end attached to the battery pack, so you can make sure it's hidden! Tape the battery pack, or secure it with wire if necessary.
- Once your display is covered in lights, hang your ornaments. I found it fun to play with the different weights and sizes of ornaments, creating a pleasing sense of balance on an unevenly shaped branch.
- Voila! Hang your finished display on the wall using temporary hooks, or place it amidst other decor to function as a centerpiece!