Show of hands, who doesn't want the entire universe hung on the wall of their home? Or, even better, to create their own universe to display?
In the spirit of decoupage — a DIY-ers bread and butter — this project lets you bring to life your own planetary layout created from patterns and papers that you enjoy. Set on a black background and accented with glistening stars, you'll love this wall art to the ... universe and back!
Prep It:
Hardboard Black wall paint Thick paintbrush Matte finish decoupage Foam brush Patterned paper Scissors White paint Thin paintbrush

Do It!:
- If your hardboard isn't purchased at the size you need it to be, you can have it cut down to size at a hardware store. Ours was 8'x4', but we had it cut down to 6'x4' to best fit on the available wall space.
- Paint the hardboard with the black paint and let dry.
- While your board is drying, cut out circles in various sizes from your patterned papers (using circular stencils and a pen to get precise shapes.) I printed patterns out on 8x11 sheets, sometimes printing two half-circles and combining to make an extra large circle. Magazine pages are a great option for this project as well.
- When your board is dry, lay out your planets in rows, or an order that looks celestial to you.
- Use your decoupage and a foam brush to adhere these planets down, mixing the decoupage with water if needed to soften the paper and get it to lay completely flat.
- After your planets are dry and fully decoupaged down, use a thin paintbrush and some white paint to fill in the rest of the canvas with smaller planets or little stars.
- Voila! We hung our wall art with stand offs, but the best method to display yours is up to you!